Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Equality? our big goal

The world we live in has experimented a lot of changes about equality between men and women. I would say that today, we are more likely to say that we are finally reaching equal rights. Our history has given us a lot of examples of a strong unequality in the society. From the beggining men have always been in charge of everything, they had the "only knowlegde" about politics, justice, and pretty much everything related to leading a country. But the story has changed, after the globalization started women have felt braver about themselves and they have started taking part of this important process that make our society a better one. And it´s not because they didn´t want to do it before, it´s because our own society didn´t let them do it. We can see this kind of things with the scientifics, because some of them didn´t even discover what they patented later, but their wives did it.
I think public policies have helped to give the same opportunities for both, men and women, because they create mechanisms to set them under the same scale, otherwise, we would kept being controlled by men. One example of this is what Michelle Bachelet did with the election of her ministers, because she thought about parity. A half of them were women and the other one men. This shows us how important this issue is if it starts from our own government.
This career will help to obtain equality only if we are sure enough that we need it to progress. It´s not enough if we start working and sit all day long waiting for parity to come, we need to feel part of it and start making changes, that´s our big goal as students. Make it true!



  1. i think we are in the correct way, but still much to be done, change our minds

  2. I think the "cuoteo" of charges according to the genre is just a populist policy. We should fight for that our capabilities will not have gender.
    About all the rest, 100% agree with you.

  3. Long live the career public administration ... to change the future ..
